Business Productivity Services
Deploy and manage Office 365 across your business today.
Our team offers services to implement Office 365 across your organization, regardless of complexity.
Deploy and manage Office 365 across your business with a strategy that maximizes user adoption and implements governance, security and cost optimization best practices. Whether your business is lacking IT expertise or facing a complex scenario, our team will ensure your deployment is successful.
Migrations & Deployment
Rely on our team to take care of migrations – from cutover and staged mailbox migrations to SharePoint migrations. Our team can also handle email security, archiving and Cloud Access Security Broker.
Education & Training
Benefit from end-user training and admin mentorship. As Office 365 evolves, WatServ will provide your business with the knowledge and skill set to stay current with features and protected against security threats.
Why WatServ?
Rely on Over a Decade
of Experience
Our skilled team has worked with clients of all sizes and in various industries and countries.
Stay Current and
Our team is laser-focused on helping you stay current so you can remain competitive.
Free Up Your IT
Team's Time
Let us handle the details so your IT team can focus on delivering core business needs.
Enjoy 24x7x365
With access to premium support, day or night, WatServ is always on.